You may have noticed that we have gone a bit silent here and on social media. 2018 was an extraordinarily busy year, full of all kinds of twists and turns. Around Christmas time, we made the conscious decision to unplug a little bit to recuperate from the frenetic pace. That did not mean the projects were put on the shelf. Rather it gave us more time to work through a bunch of them to set the stage for some big and small changes to come in 2019. Stay tuned as we get caught up on our digital chores to fill you in on what is to come!

You will notice changes to the site over time and, depending on when you happen by, you may encounter a little clutter. Our apologies for that, however, it will be worth it. Already we have changed our direct booking portal to make it more user-friendly. If you have any comments, we would love to hear them… especially if you are one of our regulars and were familiar with our initial booking engine.

While it is still very cold and snowy out the front window, we are looking forward to coming out of hibernation and taking on what 2019 has in store!

Categories: Updates